In Memoriam
William J. Urban, Jr.

June 11, 1944 – January 16, 2022


Attorney William J. Urban, Jr. (“Bill), a respected attorney and businessman, founded the Urban Co., L.P.A. in Warren, Ohio, in 1976.  Like many young practitioners, Bill represented clients in many areas of law.  As he gained experience, however, he realized that efficiency related to the specialization in law practice was the key to providing great service to clients.

Bill was one of the first lawyers to implement technology into the practice of law. He partnered with a software engineer to create practice management software specifically related to the fields of workers' compensation and debt collection. At the same time, he sharpened the focus of the firm to several specific practice areas.

Those practice areas include:

  • Debt Collection
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Business Entity Formation
  • Personal Injury
  • Social Security Disability
  • Wills

Bill retired from the firm that bears his name in 2018, but was always available to share his wisdom and experience with our attorneys.  

Sadly, Bill passed away on January 16, 2022